05 June, 2012

Crêperie Angélie

On Saturday when I was in town I decided to go to this nice little crêperie that I've passed so many times. They have a big sign outside the shop where it says "gluten free" so I thought I really have to check it out then - for your sake ;)
When I got in I saw that it's really tiny, only a couple of tables so best for a take away, which was perfect for me. Oh, but then I started to read the menu and I tell you: I could eat everything! So many yummy combinations... After 10 minutes or so :P I finally decided to treat myself with a milk chocolate and banana one. And I was not disappointed. After five minutes I was on my way out in the sunshine with my crêpe and a can of coke (only £3.50 for the whole thing!) and I couldn't even contain myself - I had to try a bite before taking a picture... yum yum yum! I'll definitely go back there!

Love Erika

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