05 August, 2012

I Love Lemon Curd

Today I found a recipe I really like.
4 Eggs
170 g Sugar
2 Organic Lemons (juice from both + zest from one of them)
50-75 g Unsalted Butter
1 Gelatin Leaf

Place some water in a saucepan and warm until it's simmering.
Mix eggs, sugar, lemon juice and zest together in a heat proof mixing bowl and place the bowl over the water. Keep stirring the mixture until thickened.
When the mixture is thick remove the bowl from the water and add the butter. Mix it until the butter is completely melted. Add the gelatin leaf, which has been laying in cold water for a few minutes, and mix thoroughly.
Pour the lemon curd in jars and put the lids on before leaving it to cool.


Love Erika